Complete List of HBCU's
Posted by Onassis Krown on
A Journey Through America's 107 Historically Black Colleges and Universities
How Many HBCUS are there?
The tapestry of American higher education is richly woven with the threads of 107 Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). These institutions, pivotal in nurturing African American intellect and culture, have histories intertwined with the very struggle for equality and education in the United States. Many Historically-Black Greek Organizations consisting of the Divine Nine Fraternities & Sororities have also been founded on these institutions of higher learning. While a comprehensive history of each is a monumental endeavor, highlighting their collective impact and individual triumphs provides a glimpse into an inspiring educational journey.
The Beginnings: A Fight for Education
The inception of HBCUs dates back to a time when African Americans were largely denied education. The earliest HBCUs were founded in the late 19th century, often with the support of religious organizations and philanthropists. For instance, Cheyney University of Pennsylvania, established in 1837, is recognized as the oldest HBCU, originally founded to provide teacher training to African Americans.
The Growth of a Legacy
The post-Civil War era saw a significant increase in the establishment of HBCUs. Many, like Howard University (founded in 1867) and Morehouse College (established in 1867), became pillars in African American higher education, producing leaders, intellectuals, and professionals who would go on to shape the course of American history.
Diversity in Education and Beyond
HBCUs offer a wide array of programs. While institutions like Tuskegee University, founded by Booker T. Washington in 1881, are renowned for their contributions to agricultural and technical education, others like Spelman College, a leading liberal arts college for women established in 1881, emphasize a broad-based liberal arts education.
Facing Challenges and Embracing the Future
Throughout the 20th and into the 21st century, HBCUs have faced numerous challenges, including financial strains and debates over their relevance in a desegregated education system. Yet, they have continued to thrive, adapting and expanding their missions. Today, they are recognized for their role in promoting academic excellence and equity, producing a significant portion of African American professionals in fields like education, law, and medicine.
Notable Achievements and Alumni
The list of distinguished HBCU alumni is extensive. Figures like Martin Luther King Jr. from Morehouse College, Thurgood Marshall from Howard University, and Oprah Winfrey from Tennessee State University exemplify the profound impact of these institutions. Furthermore, HBCUs have been instrumental in cultural and artistic movements, with institutions like Fisk University, famous for its Fisk Jubilee Singers, playing a pivotal role.
Full List of HBCUS: A Continuing Legacy
The 107 HBCUs in the United States, each with its unique history and character, collectively represent an enduring legacy of resilience, excellence, and empowerment. While a complete history of each would fill volumes, their contributions to American society, culture, and intellectual life are undeniable and worthy of celebration.
Comprehensive List of all 107 HBCU's in the U.S.
Alabama A&M University
Alabama State University
Albany State University
Alcorn State University
Allen University
American Baptist College
Arkansas at Pine Bluff, University of
Arkansas Baptist College
Barber-Scotia College**
Benedict College
Bennett College
Bethune-Cookman University
Bishop State Community College
Bluefield State College
Bowie State University
Carver College *
Central State University
Cheyney University of Pennsylvania
Claflin University
Clark Atlanta University
Clinton College
Coahoma Community College
Concordia College, Alabama (closed 2018)
Coppin State University
Delaware State University
Denmark Technical College
Dillard University
District of Columbia, University of the
Edward Waters University
Elizabeth City State University
Fayetteville State University
Fisk University
Florida A&M University
Florida Memorial University
Fort Valley State University
Gadsden State Community College (Valley Street campus)
Grambling State University
Hampton University
Harris-Stowe State University
Hinds Community College at Utica
Hood Theological *
Howard University
Huston-Tillotson University
Interdenominational Theological Center
J. F. Drake State Technical College
Jackson State University
Jarvis Christian University
Johnson C. Smith University
Johnson C Smith Theological Seminary *
Kentucky State University
Knoxville College **
Lane College
Langston University
Lawson State Community College
LeMoyne-Owen College
Lewis College of Business (closed 2013)
The Lincoln University
Lincoln University
Livingstone College
Maryland Eastern Shore, University of
Meharry Medical College
Miles College
Miles School of Law *
Mississippi Valley State University
Morehouse College
Morehouse School of Medicine
Morgan State University
Morris Brown College
Morris College
Norfolk State University
North Carolina A&T State University
North Carolina Central University
Oakwood University
Paine College
Paul Quinn College
Payne Theological *
Philander Smith College
Prairie View A&M University
Rust College
Saint Paul's College (closed 2013)
Savannah State University
Selma University
Shaw University
Shelton State Community College- C A Fredd Campus
Shorter College
Simmons College of Kentucky
South Carolina State University
Southern University at New Orleans
Southern University at Shreveport
Southern University and A&M College
Southwestern Christian College
Spelman College
St. Augustine's University
St. Philip's College
Stillman College
Talladega College
Tennessee State University
Texas College
Texas Southern University
Tougaloo College
H. Councill Trenholm State Community College
Tuskegee University
Virgin Islands, University of the
Virginia State University
Virginia Union University
Virginia University of Lynchburg
Voorhees University
West Virginia State University
Wilberforce University
Wiley University
Winston-Salem State University
Xavier University of Louisiana
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